Tuesday, November 10, 2009

Kentuck Knob's Pieces of the Berlin Wall

Fayette County in Southwestern Pennsylvania is home to three pieces of the Berlin Wall thanks to Lord Peter Palumbo, the current owner of Frank Lloyd Wright's House on Kentuck Knob.

Kentuck Knob_Berlin Wall1Piece of the Berlin Wall in the Kentuck Knob Sculpture Meadow

PHOTO BY Jason Jack Miller

Two of the pieces are on the Kentuck Knob property: one at the entrance to the Sculpture Meadow and one at the top of the hill, near the house. The third is on display at Nemacolin Woodlands Resort ten minutes away in Farmington, PA. We are especially honored to have these historical reminders as the 20th anniversary of the fall of the Berlin Wall is celebrated this week.

Kentuck Knob_Berlin Wall2Piece of the Berlin Wall near Frank Lloyd Wright's House on Kentuck Knob

PHOTO BY Jason Jack Miller

1 comment:

  1. Hard to believe that just twenty years ago this bit of concrete represented something dramatically different. It witnessed a monumental shift in the way people in one part of the world saw themselves.

    It's funny how the world seemed just a later safer back then. Of course I was in middle school and thousands of miles away from any real danger. And maybe I'll just leave it at that.
